Fukushima 3/11 Breeds Cynicism 引用元:ROBERT HUNZIKER
There’s an old saying “disasters bring out the best in people,” but Fukushima 3/11 of March 11, 2011 has put an exclamation point on cynicism rather than heartfelt concern.
Similar to America’s experience of outright lies by its government about the Iraqi Massacre, the blowback of cynicism and contempt bring forth a strain of populism, rejecting establishment, attracting lowly dishonorable politics, as America gooses-up an abomination!
Fukushima’s a horror story of hidden agendas, lies, scare tactics, and harsh secrecy laws, yet it’s held up as a icon of safe nuclear power by clever mastery of pro-nuke Oceania Newspeak, which, in the novel 1984 penalized “rebellious thoughts” as illegal, similar to Japan’s 2013 secrecy law wherein the “act of leaking itself” is bad enough for prosecution, regardless of what, how, or why, off to jail for 10 years. These decadent precepts are hard to accept with a straight face.
However, the day is fast approaching when the pro-nukie crowd, which claims Fukushima 3/11 caused few, if any, major radiation casualties, will be forced to “munch on their own words.” As time passes, it becomes ever more obvious that pro-nuke arguments, supporting big fat cumbersome nuclear power plants, metaphorically, hang by fingertips on an electric fence.
As an aside, it is rumored, thru the grapevine in Japan, that hospitals have been instructed to categorize, and officially report, patients’ radiation symptoms as “stress-related cases.” Hmm!
As for pro-nuclear news:
“In spite of this whole theatrical drama the result was…nobody killed or injured, and no indication of long term negative radiation effects on people. So the lesson of Fukushima is that nuclear power is much safer than people thought,” Kelvin Kemm, The Lesson of Fukushima – Nuclear Energy is Safe, Cfact, Feb. 16, 2015.
Another example:
“No one has been killed or sickened by the radiation — a point confirmed last month by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Even among Fukushima workers, the number of additional cancer cases in coming years is expected to be so low as to be undetectable, a blip impossible to discern against the statistical background noise,” George Johnson, When Radiation Isn’t the Real Risk, New York Times, Sept. 21, 2015
And, one more:
“There were no cases of radiation sickness among plant workers, because their radiation doses were too low to produce sickness,” Georgetown Radiation Expert, Author Reflects on 5th Anniversary of Fukushima Meltdown, Georgetown University Medical Center, Newswise, Feb. 23, 2016.
Bunk! To the contrary, not only have several independent sources in Japan reported cover ups of Fukushima worker deaths, bodies incinerated with ashes hidden in Buddhist temples, and instances of hair falling out, nose bleeding, and assorted serious ailments unique to radiation poisoning, now several deaths of U.S. sailors may be closely linked to this disaster that a pro-nuclear crowd claims demonstrates how “safe” nuclear power really is.
Thus, begging the question: Are the pro-nukites liars and/or are they being lied to, or what’s up? Who knows, and who really cares which, but their published articles, grandstanding nuclear power, are prominent throughout mainstream big time, and small time, magazines and newspapers and hyperspace, Oceania redux.
Whereas, in vivid contrast to this pro-nuke claptrap, one of Japan’s most eminent former prime ministers Junichiro Koizumi (2001-06) declares support for the U.S. sailor’s TEPCO lawsuit, more on this later.
Additionally, PM Koizumi has repeatedly urged PM Abe to halt efforts to restart Japan’s nuclear reactors. He is the second former Japanese prime minister, including PM Naoto Kan (2010-11), to plea for a halt to nuclear power. They claim nuclear power is not safe!
Luckily for the nuclear power industry, Abe is the prime minister.
Yet, there’s a festering problem, prevalence of radiation-poisoned deaths:
“The ashes of half a dozen unidentified laborers ended up at a Buddhist temple in this town just north of the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant. Some of the dead men had no papers, others left no emergency contacts. Their names could not be confirmed and no family members had been tracked down to claim their remains. They were simply labeled “decontamination troops” — unknown soldiers in Japan’s massive cleanup campaign to make Fukushima livable again five years after radiation poisoned the fertile countryside,” Mari Yamaguchi, Fukushima ‘Decontamination Troops’ Often Exploited, Shunned, AP & ABC News, Minamisona, Japan, March 10, 2016.
And, here’s another:
“It’s a real shame that the authorities hide the truth from the whole world, from the UN. We need to admit that actually many people are dying. We are not allowed to say that, but TEPCO employees also are dying. But they keep mum about it,” Katsutaka Idogawa, former mayor of Futaba (Fukushima Prefecture), Fukushima Disaster: Tokyo Hides Truth as Children Die, Become Ill from Radiation – Ex-Mayor, RT, April 21, 2014.
And, one more:
Mako Oshidori, director of Free Press Corporation/Japan, investigated several unreported worker deaths, and interviewed a former nurse who quit TEPCO: “I would like to talk about my interview of a nurse who used to work at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) after the accident… He quit his job with TEPCO in 2013, and that’s when I interviewed him… As of now, there are multiple NPP workers that have died, but only the ones who died on the job are reported publicly. Some of them have died suddenly while off work, for instance, during the weekend or in their sleep, but none of their deaths are reported.”
“Not only that, they are not included in the worker death count. For example, there are some workers who quit the job after a lot of radiation exposure… and end up dying a month later, but none of these deaths are either reported, or included in the death toll. This is the reality of the NPP workers,” (The Hidden Truth about Fukushima by Mako Oshidori, delivered at the international conference Effects of Nuclear Disasters on Natural Environment and Human Health held in Germany, 2014 co-organized by International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War).
Still and all, PM Abe insists upon fireside chats with pro-nuke campers whilst reopening nuclear power plants even though Japan survived just fine for five years without. He appears to have ants in his pants, pushing hard to restart the ole nuke plants A-SAP.
Meanwhile, in another universe, former PM Koizumi supports the lawsuit of U.S. sailors aboard the USS Ronald Reagan that participated in Operation Tomodachi, providing humanitarian relief after the March 11th Fukushima meltdowns. Allegedly, they were assured that radiation levels were okay!
“There is no excuse for Tokyo Electric Power Co. not to give the 400 U.S. sailors and marines who are now suing the company the proper facts. Things are looking especially good for the plaintiffs now that former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is backing the lawsuit over the Fukushima radiation,” Support for U.S. Sailor’s Tepco Suit, The Japan Times, June 17, 2016.
“Undoubtedly, Koizumi was convinced to help the sailors because they now suffer from radiation poisoning. He said: ‘Those who gave their all to assist Japan are now suffering from serious illness. I can’t overlook them,” Ibid.
According to lawyers representing the sailors, Charles Bonner & Cabral Bonner & Paul Garner, Esq., Sausalito, CA, seven sailors have already died, including some from leukemia.
With passage of time, the number of plaintiffs and numbers of deaths grows as the latency effect of radiation sets in. Thus, over time, the latency effect works against the pro-nuclear squawk talk that “all’s clear.”
Initially, the lawsuit represented less than 200 sailors but over time, the latency effect brings forward 400 sailors claiming radiation-poison complications, including leukemia, ulcers, gall bladder removal, brain cancer, brain tumors, testicular cancer, uterine bleeding, thyroid illness, stomach ailments, and premature deaths. These are youngsters.
The lawsuit process has been exacting for the young sailors: “Lindsey Cooper, for example. The woman who started the whole thing was torn apart on a CNN program by atomic energy experts and was later mocked on conservative radio shows,” Alexander Osang, Uncertain Radiological Threat: US Navy Sailors Search for Justice After Fukushima Mission, Spiegel Online International, Feb. 5, 2015.
As it happens, it’s not disasters that turn people’s stomachs as much as cover-ups and lying, bringing forth cynicism, contempt, and ultimately populist blowback as people get fed up with establishment politics.
It is very likely that, similar to American populist blowback, Japan will meet the same fate.
On second thought:
“There is one thing that really surprised me here in Europe. It’s the fact that people here think Japan is a very democratic and free country.” (Mako Oshidori, director/Free Press Corporation/Japan, speech in Germany)
福島は隠された議題、嘘、恐怖の戦術、厳しい秘密の法律の恐怖の話ですが、1984年の小説「反抗的思考」の中では、オセアニア・ニュースピークの巧みな熟練によって、安全な原子力発電の象徴として開催されました。 「自分自身を漏らす行為」が、何が、何のために、どうやって、あるいは、なぜ、10年間刑務所に出るかにかかわらず、刑事訴追のために十分に悪い日本の秘密法と同じように違法である。これらの退廃的教義は、まっすぐな顔で受け入れにくいです。
「この演劇ドラマにもかかわらず、結果は誰も殺されなかったし、負傷した人もいなかった。福島の教訓は、原子力が人々の思うよりもはるかに安全だということです」とケルビン・ケム氏、福島の教訓 - 原子力は安全です、Cfact、2015年2月16日。
"誰もが放射線によって殺されたり病気になったことはない - 先月、国際原子力機関(IAEA)によって確認された点。でも、ジョージ・ジョンソン」、福島の労働者の間で、今後数年間で追加の癌症例数は、統計的なバックグラウンドノイズに対して識別することは不可能ブリップ検出できないほど低いことが予想される放射線は、現実的なリスクされていない場合は新規、ヨーク・タイムズ、2015年9月21日
Georgetown Radiation Expert、作者Georgetown University Medical Center、Newswise、2016年2月23日、福島メルトダウン5周年を反映している、「病気を引き起こすには放射線量が低すぎるため、植物病院の放射線病の症例はなかった。
"半分の12人の未確認の労働者の灰は、不自由な福島原子力発電所のすぐ北にあるこの町の仏教寺院に終わった。死者の中には書類がなかった者もいれば、緊急連絡先もなくなった者もいた。彼らの名前は確認できず、遺体を追求するために追跡された家族はいなかった。彼らは単に「除染部隊"標識した- 「再び5年照射後肥沃な田園地帯を、毒殺福島が住みやすいようにする日本の大規模なクリーンアップキャンペーンで未知の兵士をマリ山口、福島「除染部隊」しばしば搾取、敬遠、 AP&ABCニュース、Minamisona 、日本、2016年3月10日。
「当局が国連から真実を全世界に隠すのは本当に残念だ。実際には多くの人々が死に至っていることを認めなければなりません。私たちはそのことを認めていませんが、東京電力の社員も死にそうです。しかし、彼らはそれについて口外しない、「Katsutaka Idogawa、双葉(福島県)市長、福島の災害:子供が死ぬとして東京隠し真実は、放射線から病気になる-元市長、 RT、2014年4月21日。
「間違いなく、小泉は船員を助けると確信していた。なぜなら彼らは今や放射線中毒に苦しんでいるからだ。彼は言った:「日本を助けるために彼らのすべてを与えた人々は今、重病に苦しんでいる。私はそれらを見逃すことはできません "とIbid。
船員を代表する弁護士、Charles Bonner&Cabral Bonner&Paul Garner、Esq。、Sausalito、CAによると、7人の船員がすでに死亡しており、一部は白血病で死亡しています。
若い船員にとって訴訟のプロセスは厳しいものでした。例えば、「Lindsey Cooper」。全部を開始した女性は原子力専門家によるCNNプログラムに引き裂かれ、後に保守的なラジオ番組に嘲笑された、「アレキサンダーOsang、不確かな放射線の脅威:米海軍の船員は、福島ミッション後正義の検索、シュピーゲルオンラインインターナショナル、2月。5,2015。
「ヨーロッパで私を本当に驚かせることが1つあります。日本は非常に民主的で自由な国だと思っています」(フリー・プレス・コーポレーション/日本の岡本眞子取締役) |