国連決議 引用元:メッセージ 2016年11月1・4日
It is indeed regrettable that Japan, the world’s sole victim of atomic bombings should have voted against the UN resolution of 28 October. a landmark resolution to launch negotiations in 2017 on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons. Survivers of Hiroshima and Nagasaki have naturally expressed their anger and disappointment. Conscientious Japanese people will all agree that it is a historic mission of Japan to contribute to the accomplishment of true denuclearization, both civilian and military. The will of the majority of the Japanese people has once again been belittled. This makes one question the governability of Japan.
We are reminded of the immoral realities of the present world.
The preset crisis the world is confronted with is neither an economic crisis nor a monetary one. It is a crisis of civilization. The solution requires the mobilization of human wisdom on the widest global scale. Mankind faces a change of way of life not only in Japan, but the entire world.
The deeply-rooted cause of this crisis is the universally prevalent lack of ethics. It is against fundamental ethics to abuse and exhaust natural resources that belong to future generations and leave behind permanently poisonous nuclear waste and enormous financial debts. It is a matter of great urgency to put an end to this civilization based on greed.
Now is the time for us to transform it into a civilization based on “maternal culture” that gives the supreme value to life, and not to economy as heretofore. It can be defined as a maternal civilization based on ethics and solidarity that respects the environment and the interests of future generations.
Under such circumstances it is badly needed to hold a United Nations Ethics Summit as early as possible and to create an “International Day for Global Ethics” that will enable all nations year by year to reflect on the importance of ethics.
The will of heavens and the earth(the law of history) tells us that immorality cannot last long. The main stream of the world has started to change. The shift from the current paternal civilization, based on power and domination, to a maternal civilization based on harmony and solidarity is now becoming visible with increasing female top leaders.
The retreat from the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 will start changing Japan. It is simply immoral to continue to rely on the false assertion that Fukushima is under control. The IOC has not yet responded to the request of verification coming from the civil society. It is deplored that the departure from the spirit of the Olympic Games is attaining its limitations due to its excessive commercialization more and more disclosed recently in connection with Governor Yuriko Koike’s new initiative to reduce the Olympic expenditure.
Please allow me to count on your understanding and support.
4 November 2016
Dear Friends,
I have received many reactions to my last message. I am sending you some of them.I am hopeful for the solidarity of civil society on a global scale to better the world.
Toward the end of the message I wrote “ The IOC has not yet responded to the request of verification coming from the civil society. It is to be deplored that the departure from the spirit of the Olympic Games is attaining its limitations due to its excessive commercialization .....” For instance, Governor Yuriko Koike is actually facing the pressure from the IOC and the Organizing Committee to to prepare 20.000 seats at the swimming pool in stead of 15.000 and this to secure their earnings.Only the Olympic can mobilize as many spectators.The Japanese public will not allow such extravagance.
Japan times of 3 November has published an article of Brian Victoria”Japan should stay out of U.S. sailors’ lawsuit against Tepco” which chalenges the ongoing attempt to play down and hide the consequenses of the Fukushima nuclear accident.The support fund created by Former Prime Minister Koizumi is approaching its goal of 1 million dollars.
With warmest regards
Mitsuhei Murta (Former Ambassador to Switzerland)
Some reactions;
(From a British economist)
Thank you Murata-san it is indeed appalling that Japan opposed the UN resolution of Oct.28th - even North Korea voted in favour! This will go down in history as a huge mistake with ethical and strategic. I hope we can keep in touch.
(From Dr. Martin Vosseler,Co-Founder of IPPNW/Switzerland,Guiness record holder for crossing the Atlantic Ocean by a solar boat)
Dear Mitsuhei,
my hope is that all that - the Japanese vote against negotiations about nuclear abolition, disastrous politicians like Trump, Erdogan, Putin, the denial of the Fukushima catastrophe, the Olympic games in Japan etc. are the negative reflection of the dawn of a new consciousness, with global ethics, with responsibility for the future generations, with respect for nature, for animals, with the growth of a maternal civilization. Thanks so much for your midwife service catalyzing this new consciousness!
With warmest greetings,
(From an eminent Swiss banker)
Merci cher ami de cette triste communication. Nous sommes revenus a une periode de guerre froide qui n’augure rien de bon. Chaque jour nous voyons que les budgets militaires des grandes puissances prennent l’ascenseur. C’est vraiment inquietant surtout si l’on pense qu’une partie non negligeable de ces budgets sont consacres a des armements atomiques . Le retour a des valeurs morales serait vraiment souhaitable mais qui des grands de ce monde s’en soucie
1. 10月28日の国連核兵器禁止条約決議案反対は日本国民の大多数の意向がまたもや軽視されたものである。日本の統治能力が問われている。
2. 民事・軍事を問わない核廃絶に貢献することは日本の歴史的使命である。
3. 世界は文明の危機に直面しており、その真因は倫理の欠如である。国連倫理サミットを開催し地球倫理の確立、経済を最重視する力の父性文明から生命を最重視する和の母性文明への移行、そして真の核廃絶の実現を目指すべきである。
4. 求められる世界の主流の変化が起こり出した兆候が認められる。天地の摂理は不道徳の永続を許さない。
5. 五輪の商業化は限界に達しつつある。現に収入を多くするために過大な収容能力をIOC及び組織委員会は小池都知事に求めている。国民はこのような浪費を許さないであろう。
6. IOCが“Under control”の再検証を求める市民社会の要求を無視し続けることは不道徳である。
7. 多くの反響が寄せられているが「決議反対は倫理・戦略の見地からの巨大な間違いとして歴史に残るであろう」(著名な英国の雑誌記者)、「現在見られる数々 の混乱は新しい文明の生みの苦しみであり、産婆役に感謝したい」(Martin VesselerIPPNW スイス支部挙動創始者)、「核兵器に向けられる軍事費は増大しており、冷戦への回帰が感じられる。倫理の回復が望まれるがこれに関心を寄せる指導者はいる のだろうか」(スイスの著名な銀行家)。
8. 11月4日付Japan Times 紙はBrian Victoria 氏の“日本政府は米軍兵士の対東電訴訟にかかわるべきではない 」と題する記事を掲載した。小泉元総理の支援基金は目標の100万ドルに近づきつつあることが紹介されている。このような動きは福島隠しに対する挑戦の意味合 いもあり反響を呼んで行くものと思われる。