戦前の軍国主義への回帰の証拠と受け止められている教育勅語と「わが闘争」の教材採用の決定取り消しを求める声は内外で強まることが予見されます。 村田光平 (駐スイス大使)
(スイスの友人より) Dear Mitsuhei, thank you so much that you made this letter of Ernst U. v. Weizsäcker to PM Abe possible - against this outrageous fact! With warmest greetings, We come, dear Mitsuhei! I am so glad Ernst is speaking up against this horrendous decision. With warmest greetings,
(アジアの大臣経験者より) Dear Mitsuhei, I am shocked to learn that there is a move inJapan to teach Mein Kampf to school children. I do hope this private German intervention will lead to Japan dropping such a dangerous idea.